Today is the St. Patrick's Day. And, why is it important for a Turkish girl? Well, if you're working with an Irish man, it is. St Patricks Day is an Irish holiday, where the Irish wear green- they believe it is lucky and protecting just like our evil eye protects us- and put shamrocks on, or paint shamrocks on the face, which mean a girl can kiss any boy she likes and the boys can kiss any girl they like on the street.

The three leafed shamrock is the symbol of this day. And you have three wishes to make by the midnight. One for your family, one for the people you don't know (like the victims of an event, ect), and one for yourself. I still haven't made my wishes. Also watched some Irish dance today, they never use their hands, as dancing was forbidden for years and years in their history. Irish folklore dance looks like our Blacksea Region dance. Could Irish people be Turkish at one time:) Don't know but "Everyone Loves an Irish Girl", ha;)
(I though my ex-flatmates picture will go nicely in there, he he)
My ex-flatmate(!%&) I don't like this saying... but you know I don't need three leafed shamrock, because everybody likes an irish girl, baby!! I love you very much a$uu...
OK, Im changing my ex-flatmate to my sweet irish chic :) How's that? I know u dont need three leafed shamrock, you need four leafed.. he he
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