He told me about a friend Jenny who met this person by chance in an event and they found out that they had a common point: they both wanted to practice Spanish. Now, Jenny is a very talented girl and has many interests and she agreed to meet him again (he also looked a bit like a poof which was comforting). But then they never had the chance to meet again as she was busy with her work and her boyfriend, but keeping up with this person through emails, written in spanish to keep up the practice, so it was ok, nothing more nothing less. However, after some time, the emails started questioning her desire to practice and accused her of not really wanting to learn which was not true and also weird as how come a total stanger could question a person like that?
And that reminded me of something else that happened to me in a similar way. Strange isn't it? You get these people that perhaps want to get into your life, you just be friendly with them and they think they are getting special attention and when they can't, they don't respect the other person but become aggressive and start to accuse you. It's like men; why should they always be mad when they are refused. They never take it as an option. But yes, they CAN be refused and when they do, just get on with it!! Don't make a fuss of it. Just smile and get on with your life!

Sorry to hear your problems with Sid, and your friend Jenny. Perhaps you should learn Spanishish from another person.
No i think you misunderstood. The problem has got nothing to do with Sid. He is the one who TOLD me about it. And I mentioned it here because it is similar to what I came accross recently. Yes, maybe I'll go to Spain and find a Spanish guy... hmm
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