I've got the boiler broken down, it was very old and wasn't working properly anyway. So I had to get it repaired. I called the service this morning, an engineer came and said that the part that serves as the brain of the boiler is dead and needs to be replaced. Then I called the landlord, he wasn't very happy, as he knew it was going to be extra cost for him. So he is not paying the full amount. It cost me a fortune.
After all the repair was finished I deserved to have a shower. Now I'm much better.
My sister is going to Frankfurt, from there to Strasbourg for a youth project on Sunday and she will stay a week. Then she will come back to Turkey, this time to go for a Europe tour with another project. I quess she is following her elder sister's path.. good girl :) I'm proud.
I still need inspiration for a holiday plan though.. Too many options, too many distractions. Just need one solid way.
if you still have a valid lease contract, i think you should not accept covering the boiler expense as it is your landlord's legal obligation to cover such expenses.
anyway, it's good to hear that you finally had the boilder fixed, although we will have no water to heat in a few months' time if it does not start raining soon!am i too pessimistic ¿ :)
the landlord is a lawyer himself! so i dont know...
that's right, i fixed the boiler but last night i could harly have a shower as the water was not running sufficient enough. hope we get better soon in İstanbul..
Travelling was very nice, also meeting new people..So i definitely found my path=) Volunteering for a better world!
I had to turn back to Samsun this time, but Saturday i'm coming to your place to accompany at the breakfast=)
Hey Pamukluprenses! I heard it that you went to Frankfurt!! Where are the pictures from your journey and next time, please inform us before you travel to Germany!! ;-(
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