Friday, 25 May 2007

Where's My Jetpack

I remember talking to a friend about the Year 2000 and predictions that people made about the future like ...we’ll be flying around with jetpacks on our backs and eating pills instead of food etc..

Well, I came across a book called "Where's My Jetpack?" and it's about all those things that were meant to happen in the future but still haven’t such as jetpacks, pills for food, a colony on the moon, x-ray glasses, streets with moving walk ways, servant robots…

We were supposed to live in fully automated, atomic-powered, germ-free Utopia and the government was supposed to give everyone a Jetpack! So where's mine?

You can find a review of the book in the following link (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what about the outcomes of global warming then? they say we have 5 years left before it's too late! i don't mind not flying with jetpacks at the moment, but i would really mind having to swim everwhere in 10 years time as a thirsty fish as we would have plenty of salty water to dive into but no clean water to drink. time will tell...