At the weekend I attended a "Coaching" course given by a colleague and friend of mine, Phillip Holt (
http://nlpnow.com/), translating the course, on the other side of Istanbul, the Asian side, and I really enjoyed it. I had done Coaching before with other trainers but this time I learned other stuff and refreshed my knowledge as well. As everybody knows, I love trainings, I love attending them and giving them, being a trainer myself, I like interacting with people in a training environment. Having worked with many trainers including Phillip Holt, Sue Knight, Lily Cohen, Linda Wells, Jill Lawday, Dharma Gaynes and others I have gained an extensive knowledge and skills and I guess this helped me a lot in my translations. I'd like to thank all of these people, especially Phillip who has been an influence to me in my work and personal life; and Sue Knight who has been an excellent role model,

helping me sort out issues with her guidance...(
http://www.sueknight.co.uk/) Hope to see her back in Turkey this summer. And ofcourse Lily, who has been a great company and a fantastic tour guide taking me to the best corners of Israel, making me the finest vanilla tea :) Hope to be back in Israel.. I can not thank them enough..
1 comment:
Coaching requires a variety of skills, patience being the most important in my opinion. What other skills do you think coaching requires? May be we can support the blogger with our comments on her way to coaching people :)
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